The author

Hi. I’m some guy on the internet whose story is pretty simple: I liked airplanes and video games as a kid then went to college and took some coding classes. Along the way I worked on some cool projects so I made this website to share them. I believe some of these projects can serve as an inspiration for anyone interested in similar designs. I also started a blog to get stuff out my head and order my thoughts.

What do you expect out of some random website?

This website

This website serves as a blog and a repository for my personal projects.

The projects are sub-divided into multiple categories that branch into their own set of posts. Each project is a set of articles that explain the inception and development of a particular idea until it concludes into a functional prototype. These projects range from small web-apps and Arduino libraries to experimental model aircraft that act as concept demonstrators. The blog follows a similar structure, but focuses on narrating and analyzing experiences. Here you can find things like a travel diary and a research log.


If you have questions about the content on this site, feel free to contact me. Just use the links at the bottom of the page.